Workday - Create Requisition - Punchout

Workday - Create Requisition - Punchout

To connect with a punchout supplier that is active for your company...

1.  Search "Create Requisition" in the search bar and select the task:

2.  Choose your requisition type.  Do not use "Confirming" requisition types for punchouts:

3.  Choose, "Connect to supplier website"

4.  Select the appropriate punchout supplier for your company:

4.  Wait for the punchout to load, shop, add items to your cart within the punchout.  When complete, check out of the supplier punchout:  

5.  When you check out or transfer your punchout cart, the system will pull the cart from the punchout, into the Workday Cart.  Review and click, "Check out"

6.  Review and update spend categories, cost centers and worktags on the requisition:

7.  When complete, click submit and this will kick off the budget check and approval process: